Thursday, January 12, 2017

Happy New Year!

Hello Internet-sphere,

Duckie here! I have not used this website or account for quite a while, I've been working on life and all that good stuff. Or big kid stuff. Just stuff.

Any-who-diddilly-doo I just wanted to leave an update. I did not complete my task of drawing one charcoal sketch a day, for a year, but that's okay. I've been doing things, like going to graduate school and working on getting certified to be a teacher. I'm not ashamed of my unfinished task, but I would like to complete it or start again. I think I will start a new project on Valentines day.

My new project will be... do a doodle a day. This way my project is more manageable. In my previous project I was walking around with charcoal and a large sketch book. This was difficult because my pictures were always large and I could not change my medium. This time I'm keeping it simple, YES!

See you in a month!

P.S. Boxy is back.